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ZenFone 9
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Forum Posts

[ZenFone 9] Join the Android 14 Preview Program

Hi ZenFone 9 users, We will soon have the newest Android system on ZenFone 9. ASUS hereby sincerely invite you to participate in this preview program to experience Android 14! What is the Android Preview Program? Android Preview Program lets users ex...

Laura_ASUS by Community Manager
  • 125 replies
  • 49 kudos

Photo Thread: Pets Being Weird

This month we are hosting a photo thread for everyone to post a picture of your pets, ‘Pets being Weird.’ Share your adorable and funny pet photos in this thread! Whether you have a cuddly cat, a playful dog, a feathery bird, or any other delightful ...

Recalibrate gimbal?

Is there any way to recalibrate the gimbal on Zenfone 9 . Even after i cleared storage for the camera app and factory reset the phone the option is greyed out. The gimbal has recently been a bit too "loose" and moves a lot when shooting images or vid...

Dhood by Star I
  • 1 replies
  • 1 kudos

Nie ładuje się tel ładowarka Asus

ładowarka Asus działa bo ładuje inne urzadzenia. W momencie kiedy podłączam do mojego tel nie ładuje lub otrzymuje informację że podłączyłem urządzenie analogowe. Podłączając inna ładowarkę tel się ładuje. Gdzie leży problem. Posiadam również ładowar...


33.0804. 2060.1651 Update Android security patch(July...)2 Optimized system stability

gbb by Star III
  • 16 replies
  • 6 kudos

Wifi callin

Czy Asus ma zamiar dodać wifi calling do nowiutkiego modelu ? Trochę rozczarowujące że w smartfonie za taką cenę nie ma tak podstawowej funkcji 

Battery overheating ZenFone 9

Hello, is anyone here who got battery overheating problems? Last night while charging the battery temperature got up to 42°C with slow charge. Not normal I suppose because this haven't happened when I had the phone in the beginning and where I live w...

toror5 by Star I
  • 2 replies
  • 0 kudos

Camera Auto Focus

Zenfone 9Facing issues in the autofocus in the camera. Especially when zoomed in to an object. Attached is the screenshot of the firmware page of the phone.Frequency: Everytime I open the camera. Tried the troubleshooting advised to me by Asus Help d...

Unable to unlock Bootloader on Zenfone 9 and Zenfone 10

 Because the bootloader could not be unlocked on Zenfone 9, I decided to write to Asus Support to be told when it would be possible to unlock the bootloader on Z9 and Z10. The response I received was that it would no longer be possible to unlock the ...

totmakina by Star III
  • 51 replies
  • 101 kudos

Iran Daylight Saving Time(DST)

I want to buy a new zenfone 9 but I ckecked with some local vendors and they said the automatic time zone setting will have problems setting time in spring and summer. Unfortunately this year the government decided not to change the clock and the pro...