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ZenFone 9
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Forum Posts

[ZenFone 9] Join the Android 14 Preview Program

Hi ZenFone 9 users, We will soon have the newest Android system on ZenFone 9. ASUS hereby sincerely invite you to participate in this preview program to experience Android 14! What is the Android Preview Program? Android Preview Program lets users ex...

Laura_ASUS by Community Manager
  • 125 replies
  • 49 kudos

Photo Thread: Pets Being Weird

This month we are hosting a photo thread for everyone to post a picture of your pets, ‘Pets being Weird.’ Share your adorable and funny pet photos in this thread! Whether you have a cuddly cat, a playful dog, a feathery bird, or any other delightful ...

Bottom microphone not working

Top microphone seems fine but it's like there's no sound from the bottom, tried doing what the other post says but it didn't work for me any way to fix this?I'm on the latest firmware version, Bluetooth AVRCP is already on 1.6 #zenfone9

Is the Zenfone 9 safe to use without security updates?

So my phone hasn't received a security update since June? I'm staring at the middle of October and I've read about some pretty serious zero day updates in the last couple of Android security releases.  Legit question, is this phone safe to use curren...

#Asus Zenfone 9 - Sharing contact issue

When I try to share a contact from my contact list via Whatsapp, it substitutes it with another contact. It happens with most of my contacts. But some can be shared without a problemIn the attached video example, I am sharing ACC contact. But in the ...

Cricket Wireless- Text and 5g work good, no voice calling, any ideas?

I got a Zenfone 9 and used the IMEI checker on the Cricket site, it showed my phone was compatible. I swap the Sim card over and nothing worked.I contacted support and they must have made a few changes to my account, then they asked me to try again, ...

piven8 by Star I
  • 0 replies
  • 0 kudos

This is downright insulting to consumers

It's October. Let's say I can sort of understand the limited support for OS updates (or at least I used to, before Google announced 7 years of updates for Pixel, and Samsung doing at least 4 for a while now)But not providing Security updates either? ...

I bought Zenfone 9 in India

I bought Zenfone 9 from US (C version) and have been using in India since last 20 days.Surprisingly 5G works on Jio. Also, the phone is working as expected. GPS detection is slow though. Rest all features along with those related to mobile network ar...

SVB by Rising Star II
  • 13 replies
  • 4 kudos