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Zenfone 8 died after 2.5 years


Only to find this is a very common issue with the model. Just died in the middle of use, now absolutely no signs of life. How disappointing. I am still covered under extended warranty from the retailer I bought it from (in Australia), but from all the posts I've seen Asus either replaces the motherboard or provides a replacement instead of bothering to repair. However I have photos on there that I want to recover. I don't even really want a replacement, I just want to be done within Asus I have absolutely no trust in them. Ideally I would get a refund and keep my dead device (so I can find a specialised technician to reball the cpu/ram) but I don't think they'll let that happen. What a headache. Do better Asus.



It’s definitely frustrating when a device fails unexpectedly, especially when you have important data on it. If possible, remove the storage like microSD card from the device and use an adapter to connect it to another device to recover your photos and other data and contact ASUS support clearly explain your situation and your preference for a refund while keeping the device. Emphasize the importance of your data and see if they can accommodate your request. If Asus is not cooperative, consider reaching out to consumer protection agencies for further assistance.

I hope this reply useful to you.

Best regard

VanillaGift com

Rising Star I

Do you know that Z8 has not got sd card?