Hi there! A little update. I have received the repaired phone on 4/10/2024. It was delivered to the service center on 8/8/2024. They were not in rush, I already purchased a new phone. So Zenfone landed in my drawer as a backup phone.
My warranty expired in september of 2023. So, it is only a goodwill of ASUS I suppose. I take it as sort of confirmation that Zenfone 8 (or maybe certain batch) is faulty.
Hi All, The service center agreed to repair my Zenfone 8 almost free of charge. I have been charged 26,59 euro. This amount appeared because of cracked back cover, my fault. So all the costs related to actual motherboard damage are being covered by A...
Update. As of today, after intervention of @Falcon_ASUS , the service center contacted me and agreed to reinspect the phone wothout prior approval of the repair costs.
I did not get any explicit declaration. But, while exchanging messages with the moderator I mentioned that the phone was already assessed by the service center, with an unacceptable price tag I have rejected to pay. So if my case has been picked up a...