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Poor voice quality

Star II
I have this phone from yesterday and I have notice that voice quality during phone calls is very poor 😕
People in their phones also told me that their hear me not to good.
Is it normal for that phone? Cheaper phones have better phonecall quality like this one. Im very dissapointed 😞

Star II
but I am not writing about VoLTE
I am writing about an ordinary GSM connection, it is of terrible quality
I still have an old Oneplus 6 (3 years old phone) and the call quality is completely different from this phone (without VoLTE)

the comfort of calls can be compared as below:
Oneplus 6 = Maybach
Zenfone 8 = Volkswagen

even a deaf person would notice the difference

Rising Star I
10 years ago all phones had better call speaker quality because it was the only purpose it had.
But joke aside, none of the smartphones I tried had outstanding call quality lately. Z8 is no exception. I am satisfied when it is loud enough at least. On important calls I use a wired headset.
Someone told me phones call sound is not processed like other audio, it comes directly from the modem, and quality depends highly on the network too. It is not like VoIP. Thus no mayor improvement possible, but please Asus, prove me wrong.

Star II
I endured a few days, enough torment, phone calls with this phone have nothing to do with pleasure, on the contrary, longer calls are tiring

I packed the phone and prepared it for return

it was my first Asus, and rather the last one, unfortunately the first impression is the most important ... it's a pity

Star II
I'm leaving a comment here to also complain about this issue. I am in the UAE so we don't have VoLTE or HD voice and my OnePlus 6 sounds so much better than my Zenfone 8 for regular voice calls. Speaker and earpiece sound the same. Everything else sounds great though, WhatsApp calls, voice notes, audio recording.

please fix this ASAP. This might be a symptom of the audio wizard issues I have created a post for. They might be related. Please don't rely on audio wizard for audio processing. Use snapdragon sound instead.
This phone is only a few steps away from perfect and it's all simple software fixes so please fix the software. If I knew how to code I'd do it for you for free. That's how much I want this phone to be good.

Star III
Guys, this is not about VoLTE. This is about another technology even Samsung S7 supported from day 1.
How come Zenfone 8 in 21st century is not supporting AMR-WB (Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband) and EVS (Enhanced Voice Services) codecs, they should work on 3G?