06-10-2021 11:27 PM
06-11-2021 06:55 AM
laci.karaOutdoor mode works for speaker volume, but when you turn on outdoor mode, what it does is gives you extra maximum volume range shown in orange in the volume bar. Allowing for additional steps to the maximum volume.The speaker volume during call is low. At highest settings I could barely understand an emergency call.
The settings below maximum are pointless. Please adjust this with a patch!
Also outdoor mode don't work for the speaker volume.
SW version: 30114160
Low call volume
06-11-2021 10:32 AM
06-11-2021 10:37 AM
06-12-2021 02:12 AM
laci.karaYes, outdoor mode is for the loudspeakers.I have the issue with the call volume. Call volume does not have orange bar with outdoor mode enabled. It stays the same.
When I receive a call, the talk is not loud enough, and the slider is already at max.
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