02-06-2022 01:40 AM
02-08-2022 12:27 AM
02-08-2022 12:35 AM
Irene2_ASUSHe is asking about how to change size of icons here. I have A11, maybe he has A12, dunnoPlease keep your post in English so that we can fully understand you and other users can join the discussion.
To change icons at the status bar you can go to Settings> Display> Status bar Icon manager> and then simply add or remove the icons you want to have on the status bar.
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02-08-2022 02:12 AM
vadimpaseka1222He is asking how to make the icons in the quick settings small, probably he is on Android 12 @Irene2_ASUSПодскажите как можно поменять значки в шторке уведомлений!а то они такие огромные и продолговатые
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