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Selfy Camera Should not open until and Unless ,I should Open it.

Star III
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help: If You will open the comment section in facebook and try to attach Image then select camera will automatically Open.
Camera Should only Open ,When I will give Command. If You see there is a camera section at the time of sele toon of photo.

  1. Model Name:
  2. Firmware Version:
  3. Rooted or not:
  4. Frequency of Occurrence:
  5. APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.


Community Legend II
The way Android apps work is that they can call up the camera. 
For example, if you switch to camera in apps like Facebook Messenger or instagram, you will see a live feed of the camera- same goes for the selfie.
This is already how it is working. With our flip mechanism, it will trigger a flip when an app requests the camera to start. 

Star III
But that is not the correct Way
If You take a feedback from other User...No body will agree that I m opening an comment section and I want to attach an image from my phone but camera is opening.

Community Legend II
But that is not the correct Way
If You take a feedback from other User...No body will agree that I m opening an comment section and I want to attach an image from my phone but camera is opening.
The way Facebook works is that when you select the "camera icon" in a comment , it will show you the camera output in the icon for camera - plus your other photos.

Facebook Camera is calling the camera to engage as it has been given the permission to do so - as it is on any other phone - and that default is to call the front facing camera.

On ZenFone 6 you will see then that the camera will flip open, because it is being called by Facebook App to do so.
One phones with pop-up, you will see the selfie camera popping up.

I will however bring your feedback back to our RD, and see if we can do anything about it.. although it could potentially cause a lot of breakage with the Facebook app functionality instead.

Star III
I do agree with you with the functionality. I hope you understand my Concern.Poping Up self camera Each and Every time without any Request is not an Good Idea. It should only Come if I am requesting for It.

Otherwise we are unnecessary just increasing the Delay camera Popup count.

Thanks for understanding my point.