Are you able to share some more information about this case?
Which country are you based in, and what type of "bus card" (which company, etc) where you trying to use it with?
Related application?
Hello @CH_ASUS
The two applications used are DigiMobee's ''Ticket Easy'' and ''My Payments'' from La Banque Postale (Play Store Links below).
I tried with/without Bluetooth and WiFi, nothing changed. I had both apps before on Zenfone 5Z without issue.
I tried to send a picture through NFC and it works perfectly, very slow but it works (with Huawei smartphone).
I added 2 screenshots for settings, nothing special on them.

NFC turned on, Beam actived (tried without too) and right payement app selected.
I'm in France, the bus company is Tisseo using classic without contact cards (no contact chip even to reload it). For payement it's La Banque Postale group, my card have both types with and without contact. The app is installed on the phone, everything validated on the phone by my bank company (same process on Zenfone 5Z) but when I pay nothing happening. I tried by launching the app and start manually without contact payement and nothing happened too.
App links:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.mobeepass.ticketeasy and