04-05-2020 11:24 PM
04-07-2020 12:41 PM
CedricJuricanOne restart is sufficient, consecutive restarts cannot help you more 🙂https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/69266#Comment_69266
I have the same problem, i restartet my Phone 3 times. It still doesn't work.
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04-07-2020 01:47 PM
04-07-2020 09:08 PM
VS-KRIts not in hidden directory, Usually I search in file manager and i get almost 42 .nomedia files in internal memory and 2,3 .nomedia files in Sd card. Check the attachment.https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/69085#Comment_69085
This .nomedia is an empty file which indicates that the directory where it is located must not be read by the apps, in fact it is hidden.
So it's an Android behavior. Where this file is located ?
In example, if you have something in the hidden cabinet, then a .nomedia file is in the hidden cabinet directory (Root/.hide directory).
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04-07-2020 10:26 PM
04-08-2020 12:14 AM
Anders_ASUSYeah exactly what you said is happening when i am first on VoWiFi i can't hear anything and then i walk far away until it changed into VoLTE the call got declined and then i tried with the wifi still on but the wifi calling gone this time i can hear as usualhttps://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/69197#Comment_69197
Do you hear a voice when you're on VoLTE?
If you're first on VoWiFi (without any audible voice) and then walk so far away from your router that it goes over to VoLTE, will you then hear each other?
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