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After latest update (not beta) phone charging slowly

Star I
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name: Zenfone 6
Firmware Version: 17.1810.2009.176
Rooted or not: Not
Frequency of Occurrence: ever since latest update, 2 or 3 days ago
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.
My phone is discharging at the normal rate, but charging is taking countless hours. If I am using the phone while it is plugged in it loses power even. Turning the phone off and leaving it to charge doesn't fix it as it continues to charge very slowly.
I am using the same charger I have been using since I had the phone a year ago. The charger is fast charging other phones. I have also test with other chargers I have around the house but it didn't fix it.
It is important to note the problem isn't that there is no fast charging, the problem is it is barely slow charging. I went to sleep yesterday at 52% battery and woke up 7 hours later it has only charged to 93%.
If I turn battery care on and set the time I want it to charge it will say fast charging on the lock screen, but it still charges at the same slow rate. If I disable battery care it doesn't say fast charging and is maybe a bit slower not sure.
When I plug it into the charger the battery has the lightning bol symbol and two + signs.
I've had this phone for a while now and it had been outstanding, the battery life is spectacular, and it still is. When I woke up this morning at 93% I used the phone all day and I'm now at 35% after heavy usage. But charging is taking forever.
It seems to me that with the latest update something happened with the software that locked the charging rate to very low? Please let me know if there is any fix! I also tried enrolling my phone now in the beta program to hopefully download the android 11 update to see if that would fix it, but it seems I'm too late.
Thank you!

Star III
Im not sure about your problem so best you wait for a moderator. However you may want to post this in the Zenfone 6 community instead of the Zenfone 5 community

Community Legend II
No worry. I already moved the thread.

Rising Star I
I am on latest update no issues for me. Lately, I am seeing lots of people face cable issue. Can you try different cable from fast charging phone?

Star I
Oh sorry thanks for moving the thread! I just tested using a normal charger, same result. I was on a phone call and I started out at 42% and it took about 10 min to get to 43%
This charger and cable wasn't used before