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Native Video Call Option

Star I
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name: zs620kl
Firmware Version:87
Rooted or not:no
Frequency of Occurrence:always
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): dailer
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.
We want native video call all OEM have this feature in india . Can you tell me when you will give us this feature.

Community Legend II

Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:

  1. Model Name: zs620kl
  2. Firmware Version:87
  3. Rooted or not:no
  4. Frequency of Occurrence:always
  5. APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): dailer

In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.


We want native video call all OEM have this feature in india . Can you tell me when you will give us this feature.

Native Video Call Option
Right now there are no any plans to implement this feature in 5z from asus as there are lot many third party video calling apps on playstore available and asus belives that mostly not all carriers support native video calling option so this is very rarely used feature these days. Most of people prefer other third party app over native video calling in dailer

Thankyou 😊

Zen Master III
Hi there, we have made a note of the feedback and will share it with the relevant team.