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Night light/eye care mode bugg

Star III

I'm having a bit of trouble with the night light setting. Whenever I'm entering a new app from the recent screens it takes around 1 sec for night light to be activated. 

I tried to capture it with a screen recoding, but doesn't it seem to show the effect.

It's especially noticeable when entering apps with a light background. 



Star III

Another bug/inconstancy

The AoD is very dark, maybe there's something wrong with the ambient light sensor for the AoD?

I took 2 pics of my Sony and Z10's AoD in the same room with the same room-ambient light.

Personally Im not a fan of the notification icons/date being in the top left either, I'd rather have them in the center like with the Xperia 5 IV.

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Rising Star I

On 120Hz, I am unable to see the symptoms. Which version of software are you on? 

Seems to be fixed now 🙂 

Hahaha... Yes yes