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Individual and simultaneous per app volume control

Star II

Hello, new to zenfone. I recently got a zf9, love most things about it but this one stressful and annoying issue. 

On my old moto g power 2020(on android 11) I was able to use various apps that had audio going at once and have control of each app's volume separately. It was just a pop out menu that was a part of the volume menu that appeared when hitting a volume button. 

I know samsung phones allow the same thing via an app called sound assistant or something similar.   

I cannot stand instagram stories just blasting me with noise or bad music by default and also overriding anything else I may be listening to. I used to just turn off audio on insta and Facebook but now I've found a cheaper more budget option(my old phone) just plain did this better. You could listen to a podcast or music via another app without getting interrupted by Instagram, a game, or any other sound producing app. 

Asus could you please integrate this into the OS somehow or release an optional app to do so like Samsung does? It is really annoying and it just makes me not want to use those apps I no longer have control of the audio over.

Decided to post this on the zf 10 forum too for more exposure because I'm almost positive it's an issue on both models 9 and 10.



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No that's media volume (all media playback across all apps) and call volume and alarm volume.

I am talking about individual app volume control.  You can listen to music on Spotify or another music app or a podcast, then browse Instagram or Facebook without it interrupting or overriding the audio you are already listening to.

Instagram stories are he worst offender, they by default blast noise at you. 



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Star I

LG phones have a great implementation of this feature. this seems to be the last blocker to me jumping on the future Zenphone 11 ultra, ive been waiting some time for something to catch up to the lg v60 😅


I was on Motorola phones exclusively for years, so I guess I thought this was just standard android stuff. 

I'm really sad to find out it isn't.  Getting blasted by noise just because you want to multi task or on some cases because apps suck (like Instagram stories by default playing sound), is not a positive experience at all.

I'm really hoping asus implement an update that fixes this issue.   Guess I can add LG to the list of companies that does it right.