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ZenFone 10
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Forum Posts

zenfone 10 question

Currently have a zenfone 9. Am thinking of getting a zenfone 10.Zenfone 9 has been a great phone but it does appear to be having some data corruption going on and I suspect that over time its storage will go bad.AI2302 is that model number for intern...

Brightness automatic set to maximum when open camera app

My Zenfone 10 has been updated to Android 14 with Release key: WW_34.1004.0204.143.How to reproduce bug:Open Camera AppWhat happened:After camera opened, the screen brightness automatic set to maximum. Then after close camera app, the screen brightne...

Gfftrw by Star I
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A huge security problem.

Whenever I press the fingerprint setting, or the face recognition, without entering any password, it will show me the seeing page for a short time, short enough to disable fingerprint or face recognition! Here is a video demonstrating the problem.+ V...

M_K_E by Star III
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Status bar bug after update 34.1004.0204.143

Hello everyone!I noticed a weird bug after the latest update. The network speed metre in status bar always displays "0 B/s" unless "refresh rate" is also enabled.Please, help!Thank you.

Wifi issues Zenfone 10

I got my new Zenfone 10 yesterday and I noticed that I was getting a lot of packetloss and high ping. I went back to my old phone to check my wifi and it worked. So why is my Zenfone 10 getting issues? I have this wifi range

EVS codec for calls on Zenfone 10

Hi, is there a chance to add EVS-SWB codec for calls to Zenfone 10? Even if VoLTE and VoWiFi are working well on this phone in all big carries in Poland, where I was testing, in every case calls are only in AMR-WB codec. Some days ago I was playing w...

Cyslawo by Rising Star II
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Any tips, tricks, or hacks for a new zenfone10 user?

I just got my Zenfone10 a few days ago and finally am getting used to it. I came from a Samsung s10e so it's taking a little getting used to! What are some features or settings I should take advantage of?Also I have a question; I have my phone set to...

danna by Star I
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Any tips, tricks, or hacks for a new zenfone10 user?

I just got my Zenfone10 a few days ago and finally am getting used to it. I came from a Samsung s10e so it's taking a little getting used to! What are some features or settings I should take advantage of?Also I have a question; I have my phone set to...

Resolved! Missing calls randomly after updating to the build WW_34.1004.0204.128

Here in italy my carrier does send me an SMS for each missed call so I have the smartphone on my desk and ~80% of the calls are missed by default almost immediately because I also have the timestamps in the missing calls in the notification SMS.I jus...

thepra by Star II
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