01-12-2023 05:37 PM
01-18-2023 11:38 PM
Hello, pacificsurf and thank you for reaching out.
Apart from the sound of the video, may I ask if you have any other abnormalities while using it? For example, freezing, cannot be turned on, or crashes when opening a specific application.
If you have any concern, it is recommended that you consult the retailer first because you just bought it.
Thank you.
01-20-2023 07:20 PM
Nothing major like that but it has been laggy a bit, and some occasional Mouse freezing jumping, taskbar turned black and disappeared then reappeared. Not often or major but just strange for a brand new laptop that should be super fast.
But yes I'm going to go ahead and return it anyways to Best Buy where I bought it from
08-21-2023 07:08 AM