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Forum Posts

Keyboard backlight randomly turns off

System: Windows 10 64bit 20H2Battery or AC: BothModel: Vivobook F512DAFrequency of occurrence: RandomReset OS: yes========================Detailed description:My keyboard back-light would just randomly turn off. Meaning when I press any key the light...

VivoBook S533EA Can't Reinstall Windows 10 No HDD Visible

System: Battery or AC: Model: Frequency of occurrence: Reset OS: Screenshot or video: ========================Detailed description:I have Successfully Created a Usb 3 Windows Installation USB 3 Flash Drive.I used Rufus and made it as GPT.It Works and...

WiFi randomly disconnects

System: WindowsBattery or AC: ???Model: VivoBookFrequency of occurrence: DailyReset OS: ???Screenshot or video: N/A========================Detailed description: Randomly my laptop will just disconnect from the WiFi. I can just click on the networks i...

dst92 by Star I
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memory diagnostic failure

System: ASUSBattery or AC: batteryModel: X555LABFrequency of occurrence: every timeReset OS: Screenshot or video: ========================Detailed description:Ran "WIndows Memory Diagnostic" tool and it reported: "Hardware problems were detected. To ...

VivoBook 15 Touch pad not working properly

System: Windows 10Battery or AC: Model: X512DAFrequency of occurrence: Reset OS: Screenshot or video: ========================Detailed description:Hi,My touch pad is not working properly. I cant left click and move the cursor at the same time, so I'm...

pinkcat by Star I
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