10-09-2019 09:03 AM
10-13-2019 01:46 AM
10-13-2019 02:41 AM
LP_ASUSWell guess what, the replacement arrived and it has the same issue of red tint.https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/20972#Comment_20972
It's not a defect. This is just how the panel behaves at very low brightness. You can expect this kind of performance for the life of the device at very low brightness, but it will not "spread" or create different issues.
This a matter of taste and whether or not the low brightness tinting matters to you. I tend to use my phones around 60-80% brightness at all times, so I wouldn't have even been aware of this issue unless it was pointed out to me.
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10-13-2019 03:03 AM
neohackr@LP_ASUS This is definitely an issue. I have used phones having AMOLED screens and never faced such an issue. Kindly request you provide an appropriate response. We are confused between whether it's a hardware issue or a software based one.
I also have similar issue..rog 2 is on the right side and look at the difference and its completely red..very poor quality.. spending this much amount and getting device like this...
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10-13-2019 04:59 AM
10-13-2019 07:36 AM