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ROG Phone II
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Forum Posts

I am facing some problem in my rog phone 2

Whenever i unlock my device with fingerprint it gets stuck and gets hangs for a minute.this only happens sometimes but it happens 4 to 5 times a day..its feels so irritating with new phone.The 6000mah seems to be only for name seek i am just getting ...

Aadish by Star II
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flaws or area of improvement in Rog2

Correction issue. While typing if i want to select between space of small text like between if to. It is hard to find the right spot. I have to zoom in to mark the right spot.Hide option in gallary. There are pics or contents you want to keep it hidd...

3D mark score

The upper score is with X mode on there is huge difference with the game mode on. It's like 30% boost with one button touch. I have not used cooler fans and using the phone in outdoor environment. We can expect 10% more boost if using in controlled ...



手機打字所以廢話不多說,更新後目前有發現幾個會重複發生的BUG想回報,順便看有沒有相同問題的人。1 Gboard打字時,鍵盤邊緣的鍵經常按了沒有反應,手離開後才被當作「長壓」回饋,嚴重影響打字2 不特定的程式開啟後螢幕刷新率會從120降至90,這些程式之間沒有關聯性,可以是遊戲、一般應用、瀏覽器等。即使程式關閉也不會變回原本的設定,且手機變成機無法更改刷新率的狀態(按鈕成暗色無法按)。重開機或使用螢幕截圖才能恢復正常。

Night Mode in developer option not working properly

as you can see there's a night mode option in developer mode.. when i tried to select the automatic based on time of day. It's not working properly. I expected this one to be automatic changed the theme when the sun are set to sunrise/sunset so the ...


Speaker problem

When I make calls and when I'm listening music, the receptor speaker is not working and I don't know why! -_-

Nicolae by Star I
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