Rising Star I


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Launcher should have swipe left in App Drawer to access hidden apps as they are in oxygen os its a pretty usefull feature
I love the stock dialer and since day one it's not updated and since all the phones supports audio call to video switch in dialer which is possible as duo is a system app and this should be done in android 11 atleast, you can see the below image wh...
Accent color change option would be great phone dark theme was dark color before update, but now the color is light and it feels odd
The phone was amazing at the time of launch I had to wait a month watching reviews and finding out if it's the best one out there, and yes it was... With updates they dint care much from the beginning and till date many users face one or the other pr...
Is it possible to get the motion trigger button used in rog 3 as reload and stuff along with air trigger and update existing armoury crate all the phones do give new features to old phones also but does asus also do that in this case according to me...