10-02-2020 01:10 PM
10-02-2020 05:08 PM
Do you lose 10% per hour when not playing Among Us? Or is it that 3% you mentioned which is the standby drain?
What refresh rate do you use?
I would give safe mode a try to see if you lose the same amount of percentage.
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10-02-2020 05:11 PM
ronald1985Standby drain, at 120hzhttps://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/121059#Comment_121059
Do you lose 10% per hour when not playing Among Us? Or is it that 3% you mentioned which is the standby drain?
What refresh rate do you use?
I would give safe mode a try to see if you lose the same amount of percentage.
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10-03-2020 04:25 AM
10-03-2020 04:27 AM
squall0833What's your screen on time?I tried to use phone until it shuts then do a one full cycle charge from 0 to 100 to count charging time
but the very last 1% lasts ridiculously long, it's been 24mins and it's still going,
120hz, full brightness, playing a youtube video, wifi/ 4G data is enabled
is that normal ?
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10-03-2020 04:45 AM
ronald1985it's always ON since 11%, never screen off until 1% and it's still ongoing,https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/121147#Comment_121147
What's your screen on time?
For these kind of things, it is hard to measure as it varies from users to users.
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