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ROG Phone 9
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Forum Posts

[Game Genie] APK new version for ROG Phone 9 only

If you have issue of Game Genie inactivity and crash, please download and install the new version of Game Genie from link below to fix this issue. Please visit official website to download Game Genie APK: Official website link

Titan_ASUS by Community Manager
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Question only for all ROG Phone users. I'm planning to buy ROG Phone 9 Pro. In the history of your usage for this phone brand, are there green lines issues encountered?TIA.

Google play system stuck

Hi @Mattias_ASUS @Falcon_ASUS @Titan_ASUS currently on 1810.317. i noticed that the google play system is still stuck in Nov 2024. is there an error?

CHOOZR by Zen Master I
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Enable volTe Orange un Spain

Hello. Please enable volTe for Orange in Spain. I know it is compatible, since entering the code *#*#3642623344#*#* enables it, but it is very annoying to have to enter the code every time I turn on the phone. Please enable volTe Orange Spain.

Jesp_r by Rising Star II
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Resolved! Video Editing

I am using capcut on rog 9 phone but did not get the result like did not getting 120 fps on video after editing, after sometime I started using kinemaster on it and get video exported on 4K 120 fps. This phone is really a beast but need accurate soft...


如標題,現在內建的桌布輪播功能是只有待機畫面才有,希望可以加進主螢幕也能設定嗎?一支g9pe手機賣到超過$45k,新機出了舊機還不怎麼掉價,更何況華碩全部手機系統更新年限還只有2年,還砍這砍那的實在說不過去吧?#rog phone 9 pro edition

Optimized quick panel not show notifications

Guys I just unboxed my ROG 9 pro!I wasn't used to the new UI but I noticed under 'System Preferences', "ASUS Optimized" quick settings panel doesn't show incoming notifications! I switched back to "Stock Android" quick panel and now I see notificatio...

Background Mode problem after updated latest firmware.

Hello, I have a problem with the Background Mode feature after the latest Patch update that I updated yesterday, which is 35.1810. 1810.317. The problem I encountered is that when Background Mode is enabled and then I switch apps or return to the Hom...

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ZuuGAKz by Rising Star II
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