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ROG Phone 7
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Forum Posts

[ROG Phone 7] Join the Android 15 Preview Program!

Hi ROG Phone 7 (AI2205) users, We will soon have the newest Android system on ROG Phone 7. ASUS hereby sincerely invite you to participate in this preview program to experience Android 15!   Q1: What is the Android Preview Program? Ans: Android Previ...

Titan_ASUS by Community Manager
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[Game Genie] APK new version for ROG Phone 7 only

If you have issue of Game Genie inactivity and crash, please download and install the new version of Game Genie from link below to fix this issue. Please note the apk is for Android 13 & 14 on ROG Phone 7 only, and please check the Android version fi...

Titan_ASUS by Community Manager
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Resolved! Armory Create

I bought a new Asus Rog 7 phone, the old one was also Asus Rog 7, why does Armory Create activate when I press the trigger on the right? How do I deactivate this function?

Resolved! Asus rog phone 7 software update

Hi i have a asus rog phone 7.  My phone software version 33.0820.0810.217.  It’s been a long time i didn’t get any new software update for my phone.  And Asus website Doesn't have any new software update file. Is there any new software update. 

Release rog 8

After we know that Asus Will release rog phone 8 in the States After 2 months from the release , did you know when the 8 can be released in Europe ?

jabal by Star I
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Thinking about picking up ROG 7

HiThinking about getting a ROG 7(non ultimate)Anything i should know before getting the phone? Something I should look out for?Is charger included, I saw some mixed info, with a 30w charger, 65w,etc. 

Pubg Crash Whit Android 14

I'm back with my problem, I remember I brought Rog 7 and I've been a PUBG mobile player for 6 years, the game has never been so bad, The problem is Android 14, before my game was running at a constant 91 fps and 20 ms, now it's fluctuating between 50...

Android 14 Crash pubg mobile

I have an Asus Rog 7 and I updated to Android 14, unfortunately after the update the phone no longer works well, I am a PUBG player and with Android 13 the game was running very well, now with Android 14 I have Crash in the game, I can't shoot, shoot...

Toyota22 by Star III
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Anyone know what rog 7 version(s) works with at&t?

I'm looking for an rog 7 online to buy and I know that the models at&t supports are the _f versions however when I view a rog 7 on Amazon, Walmart,ect. All it tells me is the first numbers (ai2205) and not the last ones so I can't tell if its an (_f)...

kapla by Star I
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I recently updated the rog phone 7 ultimate

I updated the rog 7 ultimate mobile software update to 34.1010.0820.40 after updating to this software there was calling problem.when i receving or when I am calling to someone there is no sound coming from the earpiece but when I am turning on speck...