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Asus give us a downgrade option NOWWWWW

Rising Star I

Android 14 broke my phone my battery discharge is 74% my phone has abnormal frame drops on Android 14 and overheating issues I will never buy an Asus product again this is an disgrace Asus is disgusting company who breaks your phone on purpose so you upgrade to an newer device ASUS IS AN SCAM


Bro I called Asus center they şey we wouldn't recommend it because it's too difficult to do it would harm my device they said liars, but congrats on doing a downgrade I have some questions does it delete all data when downgrading ? And what kind of store did you went ? A normal phone store or a phone repair store ? Can they give the downgrade file to you so we can do ourselves ? If yes please please sent me your discord or any kind of communication app you use and sent the file to me it would be the best thing ever because Asus if F@#king our phones to hell


Rising Star II

Hey. I took my phone to the store where I bought it and told about the problems brought by Android 14. At the store, they suggested that the phone be sent for warranty service and promised to pay for the entire downgrade. It was not Asus' own service, but a service center used by companies and shops for their warranty services. I don't know why Asus' own maintenance doesn't agree to the downgrade because the place where I got the downgrade was not Asus' maintenance and they said that the downgrade was easy to do.

Hi bro

You say they had to unlock the bootloader, does that mean you will no longer receive OTA updates from Asus and you lost the warranty?

Get me out of that doubt please 

Hey. The downgrade did not affect the warranty of my phone, because it was done by the seller at the warranty service center in accordance with the Finnish Consumer Protection Act. I also get regular updates like before but I won't update my phone if Asus doesn't give a stable A14 system.


You are shameless, you want to run away from your responsibility towards consumers who buy your products and you just let go of your hands, it's really shameless, we need a downgrade option immediately 🤬🤬