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Asus give us a downgrade option NOWWWWW

Rising Star I

Android 14 broke my phone my battery discharge is 74% my phone has abnormal frame drops on Android 14 and overheating issues I will never buy an Asus product again this is an disgrace Asus is disgusting company who breaks your phone on purpose so you upgrade to an newer device ASUS IS AN SCAM


Star II

yes i agree with you. we want downgrade option ASAP. I'm codm player and the update for s3 is on coming Thursday. i want to roll back to Android 13. PLEASE  give us downgrade and we can play peacefully. Ty


Rog Phone 6 AI2201.... 


Hello @Akira58 
We don't handle downgrades here at the forums, you can reach out to your closest ASUS Service Center if you are experiencing issues with the firmware.

Noooo they say the same frucking thing we do not do downgrades so what now? Asus doesn't do anything but breaking our phones with poor firmware updates Asus never again I am gonna post this on my YouTube channel as well so everyone sees how poor this mobile is and don't buy this C. R. A. P of a phone @Mattias_ASUS 

Rising Star II

Hi mate. I believe that in some service centers the downgrade is possible because I got the stable Android 13 version and now my phone works great without any problems. The service center where my phone was downgraded was not an Asus service center.
