07-03-2022 05:30 PM
08-10-2022 02:51 PM
smchayYou have been asked to provide a source to your BS claims multiple times, the fact you still cannot produce ANYTHING proves our point. You're full of sht.Thanks for highlighting your concern. First and foremost, our primary language is Bahasa Malaysia, not English, thus there could be translation error, but we shall try our best to clarify
Fyi, the announcement by Asus was recent but for the phone to be certified it needs to be sent for accreditation much much earlier. If you check the Sirim website, you will noticed that ROG6 has already been approved end 2021 😃
So what makes you think that Asus only suddenly decides to issue statement now?? 🤔
That aside, info pertaining to govt agencies are governed by the OSA in Malaysia, thus unless there are declassified, there will be nothing in the public domain. Hope you don't take the French scenario as the norm in Malaysia 😓
As far as we are concerned, officially ZF9 is not authorized by the authorities to be sold in Malaysia, or maybe ban is a different word where you come from 🤷
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09-11-2022 02:46 PM