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Looks like the Rog series is about to die

Hall of Fame I
Sony is holding a gaming-related Xperia launch event on September 12Considering ASUS probably won't be able to step up their game drasticly this could kill of the ROG lineup for good. Sony knows their playerbase best and have created legendary phones such as the xperia play.
Guess this contender is going to be the final nail in the coffin as ASUS struggles to keep up with nubia in the asian market and now will lose its global buyers to sony.


Rising Star I
I Have to disagree, Asus has done great job with their phones, even now, the fact they are keeping the 3.5 headphones jacks show they do listens to their customers.
Are there issues? always, and there will always be, I remember times where Sony was doing really bad with their phones, had issues, and their sales drops, did they give up? no, they are back on the market.

Community Legend I
Si une prise casque 3.5 compense la destruction du Wifi sur toutes les séries de Rog5 sans geste officiel d'asus, un Firmware .160 rendant quasi inutilisable le Rog6 depuis 12jours, la disparition led & sdcard des zf9 et un firmware presque a l'image du rog 6 alors tout vas bien, la série spécial Rog6 Batman vas re-dynamiser les ventes.

Star II

I Have to disagree, Asus has done great job with their phones, even now, the fact they are keeping the 3.5 headphones jacks show they do listens to their customers.

Are there issues? always, and there will always be, I remember times where Sony was doing really bad with their phones, had issues, and their sales drops, did they give up? no, they are back on the market.

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Who needs 3.5 headphones jack? That was exactly 6 years ago I used a 3.5 jack, now it's Bluetooth Generation Z🤪🤪🤪

Community Legend I

Who needs 3.5 headphones jack? That was exactly 6 years ago I used a 3.5 jack, now it's Bluetooth Generation Z🤪🤪🤪

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Lol, il pas assez de chiffres ni de lettres dans l'alphabet ni des deux combinés pour avoir une chance d'atteindre une latence acceptable pour certaines utilisations, même pas en usb, la terre aura vu sa fin du monde avant que le BT avec 0 latence voit le jour. Donc oui, il y a encore des adaptes inconditionnels de la prise jack