It's the least we can say indeed, I received this update yesterday, spend half a day on the charging system with 4 different chargers and all possible combinations and on arrival be unable to to detect the slightest improvement, all the detected bugs that I had are still there.
The programmed charge starts as soon as the charger is plugged in, goes to 100% regardless of the stop time or the alarm times.
The stable and ultra stable charges with the 15w charger is recognized for a few seconds then it announces that it is no longer recognized (worked perfectly before the .151)
with this charger, the charge indicator is active, it announces the estimated time BUT IT DOES NOT CHARGE. The power master notification indicates that it is charging.
With the 65w charger, ultra stable or stable charge are detected and displayed, but half of the time it is the 65w charge that is active.
2 months without updates or security fixes to achieve this result on an update dedicated to the charging system, bravo.
There are countries where the ASUS charger is not sold, how do they do it?