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My Wifi won't turn on and neither my Hotspot on my Asus ROG 5s

Star I

1.Model Name: Asus ROG 5s

2. Firmware Version: 31.0810.1226.146

3. Not rooted

My Wifi won't turn on and neither my Hotspot.

It started around 4-5 days ago.

Suddenly my Wifi won't turn and when I tried switching on the Hotspot it showed Error below it. The Wifi sometimes worked after I restarted the device while plugged in with the Charger but for a shorter duration like about 5-10 minutes and after that the device suddenly restarted itself and the Wifi was gone again. I tried factory reset also, the Wifi worked for sometime but again the problem started after 10 minutes or something.

I have watched some videos that told it's the manufacturing defect and that it's motherboard needs to be replaced. I have the warranty but my phone had undergone water damage and still survived. But I still need the new motherboard which I checked with them the last time when my phone was water damaged and they said it would be around ₹40,000 and the display will be around ₹16,000 which shocked me so hard.

I just need the motherboard though but it's undergone water damage. I am just a student I don't have this much to spend on it which makes the phone twice pricer. Please help me I would rather have it fixed free since it's under warranty.


Hi @Chandu0346 

according to your problem, please refer to the following FAQ to try to troubleshoot your Wi-Fi problem first.

Also, I have PM you for confirming Wi-Fi issue details.
Could you please check the PM inbox at the top right corner of the screen and kindly provide the requested information?

Thank you.

I have tried all the steps but after updating the software recently I'm through all this. Even the hotspot is showing error message 

The steps provided does not help us.. we are asking the problem in hotspot sharing (hotspot thethering) NOT to connect wifi connection.. please understand the question and the reply the suitable answer..

Hi @Maddy20081992 

May I ask whether you encounter hotspot is not working issue?

Could you please check the PM inbox at the top right corner of the screen and kindly provide the requested information?

Thank you.

This is a clear hardware issue where everyone who is having ROG 5/5s is facing after the update where it is damaging the components on the motherboard and now the service center is asking to take a paid service where they are charging nearly 40k. Let's all proceed to file a complaint in the online consumer court. So that they can replace the mother board for one time free replacement because this is not a physical damage. Need everyone support