01-21-2021 07:49 AM
01-21-2021 01:19 PM
DanishbluntIts basicially software.youtube.com/watch?v=8EoRnfA1cK0
Here is an explanation as to why black crush is happening and how Asus can fix it. It also explains how this is NOT a hardware defect even with an example.
I hope this will clearify a great deal and that you guys need to stop spreading weird nonsense like its caused by high refreshrate screens, hardware defect or that asus cheaped out on displays. Just chill a little bit and let asus fix it, and Asus you need to stop the hotfixes, it's seriously doing more damage than good.
Hope to see much less black crush topics as it's really getting old by now.
Black Crush explained ( Rog3 / OP 8 )