Charging slow down after latest update and black crush issue not resolved
Black crush issue not resolved and got a new problem of charging
Black crush issue not resolved and got a new problem of charging
Dear Asus,I have been using the phone since about 2 months now. Randomly at times the phone fail to charge with the original charger(have not tried with another charger). Reconnecting wires , replugging etc repeatedly for about 5 minutes has again go...
Using Rog 3 since 2months, and now after the Dec security patch updates the device is getting shut down automatically while getting any sort of calls, be it an audio call or a video call. Many a times there's no notification of any missed calls as we...
hello guys,i just bought razer hammerhead truewireless.I connected it with my rog phone 3 tencent games edition and i have delay at the sound only at the games. Im watching videos perfectly but in the games i hear the sound like 3D and with delay,Do ...
When will slow charging not working issue get fixed?
Hello Republic of Games! Can anyone tell me a good router or modem/router for best connection and no lag from WiFi? Need to buy RoG series router? Any Asus product suggestions as i can see on official rog phone 3 site it is better to have asus router...
I have software issue... When i try to use asus local backup for otg (sandisk 2in1 type c to usb pendrive 64gb)Local backup calculating screen stuck every time.... I tried 3 times... One time i waited 3-4 hrs still it shows calculating
Can't set schedule charging time get change automatically to other time
Live wallpaper can't apply live wallpapers when I I clear app from background live wallpaper also get removed
During using headphone sound get stop different sound comes