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tuf a15 fa506iv (2020) comp
bios 318, 2022-02-23
i am trying to live boot linux mint
power on, f2 into bios, f8 boot order, select usb linux mint, enter
(working, please wait ... lol)
i get error:
acpi bios error (bug): could not resolve symbol [\_SB.PCIO.GPP4.WLAN], AE_NOT_FOUND (20190816/dswload2-162)
acpi error: ae_not_found, during name lookup/catalog (20190816/ps object-220)
failed to load kernel channel, -zz
not sure if it is linux mint thing, or asus tuf a15 bios ?
will try to live boot ubuntu, see what happens
please advise
best regards
i guess i should specify that linux mint does not start at all, i need to kill it with power button (hold - off)
if i reboot normally, windows work ok
ubuntu initially gives same error (i had a glimpse, screen changed quickly)
but was able to boot up, live usb