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tuf a15 fa506iv - acpi bios error (bug): could not resolve symbol

Star I
win10pro, latest, gratest
tuf a15 fa506iv (2020) comp
bios 318, 2022-02-23
i am trying to live boot linux mint
power on, f2 into bios, f8 boot order, select usb linux mint, enter
(working, please wait ... lol)
i get error:
acpi bios error (bug): could not resolve symbol [\_SB.PCIO.GPP4.WLAN], AE_NOT_FOUND (20190816/dswload2-162)
acpi error: ae_not_found, during name lookup/catalog (20190816/ps object-220)
failed to load kernel channel, -zz

not sure if it is linux mint thing, or asus tuf a15 bios ?
will try to live boot ubuntu, see what happens
please advise
best regards
i guess i should specify that linux mint does not start at all, i need to kill it with power button (hold - off)
if i reboot normally, windows work ok
ubuntu initially gives same error (i had a glimpse, screen changed quickly)
but was able to boot up, live usb


Rising Star II
Hi there,
When coding BIOS, it's based on Windows environment.
We will support to ensure BIOS can ensure Windows work OK.
But for Linux, because it's open, we are not guarantee the BIOS can support.
Please remove the Linux and keeps only in Windows OS, then try to see the issue persists or not.
Thank you.

Star I
ok, nvidia drivers were (common) cause
dl linux that uses proprietary nvidia drivers
works fine
case solved
have fun