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ASUS ZenWiFi AX (XT8) Disconnects Wireless every 30 minutes

Star I
System: ASUS ZenWiFi AX (XT8) & Mini
Battery or AC: AC
Model: ASUS ZenWiFi AX (XT8) & Mini
Frequency of occurrence: Every few m inutes
Reset OS:
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Firmware : Firmware Version:
Detailed description:
Since 'upgrading' my firmware my wifi network drops connection to the internet for clients every few minutes. This doesn't happen for wired Lan connections, the wan connection is definitely up, and it is solved by disconnecting from the wifi and reconnection.
Anyone any advice on how to fix this problem? Downgrade the firmware to a better version maybe?

Star II

Ok! But how do you downgrade your ZenWifi AX XT8?

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humm, Interesting! I don't see that old firmware version available for download anymore!! (search for Product Support + ASUS ZenWiFi AX (XT8) --> BIOS & FIRMWARE ) - I can't paste link here.

Also, they added:
"If your router's production year is 2022 or above, DO NOT downgrade to this version, Please check the back label for the production year."
It seems you would need to raise a ticket with the support!
Sorry mate, wish I could help further!

Star I
Similar issues on two XT8 2021 production units where backbone defaulted to 2.4Ghz channel when running firmware Version
Downgraded to Version on both router and node 24Hrs ago and stable so far. Installed firmware and did not alter any settings, Smart connect disabled, AI protection off, QoS off.

Star I
I have 6 of those cr@ppy nodes... I would better buy Netgear next time.
I can't post a link here because of some idiotic asus policy, but if you google "asus zenwifi ax firmware 42095 download", then go to softpedia, and it's there. The second (external) link actually goes to asus.
asus is a horrible company. Never again.

Star I
I must say I'm pretty disappointed. I bought the Asus product based on great reviews. I guess that was my first mistake. When I swapped my first defective pair for a new pair was my second mistake. In fact, attempting to upgrade the firmware is what bricked my first pair. So I hesitate to downgrade; on the other hand I have hundreds of dollars invested in basically a non-working system so I suppose I don't have that much to lose. Probably won't have time to mess with it for a couple of weeks.

Star I
Thanks for the responses, though!