@GEEK_ASUS, It's sadly pretty clear here that your supposed attempts at helping aren't being done in good faith. You keep trying to distract from the fact that the AMD fTPM issue is known to exist, you keep acting as if ASUS doesn't know it's an actual issue that exists.
You're trying to distract from this issue by going into specific people's situations, as if ASUS somehow wouldn't have to do anything to deal with the fTPM stutter if you remind us that say my issue isn't 100% for sure caused by it. It's simply ridiculous, especially since even if by freak chance my issue that manifests in exactly the way described by everyone else who's suffering from this wasn't caused by the fTPM stutter issue, it wouldn't change the fact that the issue exists and ASUS needs to deal with it, and let people disable the faulty fTPM.
Your engineering team's questions are clearly made to try and discredit my claim that my computer's troubles are caused by the fTPM issue, but your implication that I somehow need to figure out every possible fault a computer might have and test it out before I'm allowed to say the issue is caused by the fTPM is on its face ridiculous. If ASUS didn't have anything to hide then figuring this out would have been easy, I've already said so in previous posts.
If I was simply allowed to disable the fTPM I could easily test it. Disable fTPM, do stutters still happen? Clearly the fTPM isn't at fault here then. But ASUS won't let me do that. Very strange, it's almost like they've got something to hide. Or are very lazy. Perhaps both.
And after sending my laptop to the lab 3 times before the fTPM issue became known and them finding nothing, I see no point in sending it again since all of you are making it quite clear you aren't really going to consider the fTPM issue. Also from story accounts of others who've gone through your support I find it quite likely you'll take my laptop, then keep it hostage and make me pay for your service since your techs never find any issues in my laptop (well, they do, the reports even say they keep finding random issues and fixing them by reinstalling windows, but somehow a laptop having random issues show up constantly that require reinstalling the OS doesn't count as having a defect, probably because the issues they "solve" are ones they made up, rather than the ones I've been complaining about).
There's no reason to send the laptop in because you'll just put it through the same useless testing process you always use. It won't look at the fTPM as a possible cause of the stutter because your useless testing process doesn't account for issues in the fTPM, so it won't find anything, and they won't do anything as a result. A big ol' waste of time, which I guess is what you're trying to do, waste my time, that's the only thing you've been doing all this time.