12-29-2023 12:23 PM
I have just had a full BT full fibre installation and Using XT8 hub PPPoE connection. I am seeing internet loss of connection, dropped packets. BT blame the third party hub. The hub shows lease expired and renewing permanently.
Is there any default setting I can use to correct this problem. An ICMP ping monitor using the DDNS url also show spikes of high latency and dropped packets.
Will this router work with a direct connection to full fibre? How do I explain the BT/Openreach it's their problem and not ASUS, or is it the router. I never had this problem with virgin. The only fix is to manually reboot the ASUS router and I cannot live with that.
01-01-2024 07:36 AM
I use ASUS DDNS to access networks in two houses located in different cities. I noticed more recently significantly slower page response, say if I access one house from the other house with https://DDNS address.asuscomm.com:8443 . I suspect something is wrong with their side right now. Hopefully after their vacation they can address this. (I don’t see any ASUS staff responding lately)…
01-01-2024 02:38 PM
I think you are right about the ASUS DDNS service. It does not explain the excessive dropped packets over the BT Fibre network reported by the router. Is it a router problem or a network problem? Or is this normal for this type of equipment and connection. I do not have enough experience to answer. So let's hope the more technical staff can give us an answer.