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Asus XT12 Wi-Fi performance and device to node connection weirdness.

Star I

Hey everyone,

Got my XT12's (got the 2 pack) setup a few weeks ago, and when they work, they work well.  The thing i've noticed is the Wi-fi performance is flaky at times, it'll have good download speeds, then all of the sudden it dips down to single digit Mbps, and even stops downloading altogether, just to ramp back up a few minutes later and it constantly repeats itself.  Took me almost an hour to download 3.5 GB, because of this fluctuating speed and I have a Gig upload/download symmetrical speeds from my ISP.


I've also noticed that devices that are near my 2nd node will fluctuate from connecting to that one and the primary node, this results in worse performance and less Wi-fi signal to the device.  It sometimes will be good for most of the day, but then I'll look again later on, and it'll be connected to the primary node for whatever reason.

I'm on the most recent stable firmware back in December  I see there have been 2 beta firmware's in December and March, not sure if those could help with these strange issues, but I'd like to report these issues now to try and see if a firmware update could help alleviate these issues. 

I've sent feedback twice when it'd be happening, haven't heard anything back from support though.



Star I

Just a follow up to this as well, I've noticed the download speeds NEVER go above 790 Mbps since i've had these XT12's.  My ISP plan is 1 gig upload and download symmetrical.  image.png

Hi @jbode6 ,

regarding the slow download speed issue, does it occur on both XT12 routers?

Currently, you are using a wired connection. If you switch to a wireless connection, does the slow download speed problem persist?

Additionally, for the issue of devices connecting between the two XT12 nodes, could you please specify how these devices are connected?

Would it be possible for you to provide the MAC addresses of these devices?

Once you confirm the above information, we will escalate your issue to the relevant department for further assistance. Thank you.

Yes it happens on both routers regardless.  I’ve used my phone and also a laptop that are wirelessly connected and they both received less than 400 Mbps on the download speed and less than 500 for the upload.  (Attached is from my iPhone) the results are pretty similar if I’m connected to the primary or the secondary node.

in regards to the devices connecting to random nodes, they’re almost all of the Xbox’s and some TV’s which are all wirelessly connected.




these are 5 of the MAC addresses for the top ones that I notice hop from one node to another.


thanks for escalating this, appreciate the help!

Just curious, will I be receiving an email from the escalation team?

Hi @jbode6 ,

After relevant department analysis, we need to confirm the following information with you:

  1. Could you please provide the MAC address of the device experiencing unstable download speeds?
  2. Have you tried connecting the device to a different port to see if it resolves the issue of unstable download speeds?
  3. Have you encountered unstable download speeds with other wired and wireless devices as well?
  4. If other wired devices are experiencing this issue, could you kindly provide their MAC addresses for analysis? Also, suggest trying different ports to see if the issue improves. Can you provide an approximate time when the issue occurred?
  5. If other wireless devices are facing this problem, please provide their MAC addresses for analysis. Also, let us know if these devices are connected to the CAP or RE, and which band they are connected to. Can you provide an approximate time when the issue occurred?
  6. Is it possible that the issue could be due to ISP speed restrictions? For example, do you need to perform MAC cloning ( Or is your ISP not allowing a router to be connected behind the modem?

Regarding the issue of weakened device signals, department couldn't observe the phenomenon you described in the logs. Could you please provide more details about the problem? For example, specify the time when the issue occurred, describe the specific abnormalities in the device signal weakening, and explain the circumstances under which you observed this issue.

It is suggest performing a hard reset on the router and testing it in the default state to see if the issue improves. XT12 Hard Reset:

We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your cooperation in clarifying and providing the requested information.

Thank you.