03-12-2024 11:46 AM
Intel has released microcode updates again to mitigate a series of vulnerabilities.
Could Asus provide a BIOS with updated microcode?
Thank you.
03-12-2024 04:10 PM
In my experience, once an Asus motherboard is over 3 years old, you are unlikely see any further BIOS updates. When I replaced my B150M board a year ago, it hadn't had a BIOS update since 2018.
03-14-2024 05:25 PM
Thanks. Would appreciate an official reply.
03-18-2024 08:44 AM
Could Asus consider updating the BIOS as the BIOS is locked from modifications? Microsoft says to look to OEMs for support.
03-20-2024 01:30 AM
Hello, @finance_ka02
We apologize for the delayed response and any inconvenience it may have caused.
To confirm the specifications of your motherboard and related information, I have PMed you.
Please check the inbox on the top-right corner of the forum at your convenience.
Thank you.