9 hours ago
Hello, this is the first time im writing in this forum in a hope that i can somehow inform the Asus team about a problem in ROG Azoth (or potentially any mechanical keyboards they offer) that can be fixed via firmware or software update, as the title suggest my ROG Azoth suffers from Key Chattering (Doubleclicking), i have tried every physical fix i could find that all of which temporarily fix the problem, problem is rather simple: Debounce Delay and Mechanical Keyswitch, this isnt some hardware level bug since all mechanical keyboards suffer from this, rather its a firmware bug that cant filter the unnecessary double typing of a mechanical keyswitch;
what i want ASUS team to do is simple: give us the option to adjust/change the debounce delay on the software, i intentionally didnt correct this conversation to witness it yourself how frequent my spacebar chatters.
i can fix the problem temporarily by cleaning the switch/keyboard or etc but im grown tired of it, i want permanent solution and if ASUS cant handle this issue, im going to change my keyboard to a different brand that can change debounce delay or contactless entirely.