08-02-2020 08:17 PM
08-03-2020 06:31 AM
lakshyagupta87turn on high performance mode
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My model is ASUS ROG ZEPHYRUS G GA502 , Ryzen 7 3750H with GTX 1660ti max q
frequency of occurrence - Everytime my CPU frequency is stuck at 1700 during turbo mode which makes gaming experience suffer a lot , for about 20-30 fps, in the CPU intensive games. But in windows mode it reaches about 3800s . Isn't Turbo mode supposed to give better Performance ?? I recently bought this laptop for about 8 months. Also i tried to play on windows mode it works fine but reaches scorching temperatures. Help pls! I need to know the real issue before making any further decisions .
Less CPU clock speed
08-03-2020 07:13 PM
08-03-2020 10:50 PM
RAJU.MSC.MATHEMATICSIt's already on high performance mode of windows settings as well as in the armoury cratehttps://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/32863/less-cpu-clock-speed
turn on high performance mode
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08-03-2020 10:52 PM
lakshyagupta87Use msconfig , enable all cpu coreshttps://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/100849#Comment_100849
It's already on high performance mode of windows settings as well as in the armoury crate
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