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ZenFone Max Series
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Forum Posts

Does not charge after installing OTA update

ZF Model: ZC554KLRAM: 3GFirmware/APP Version: 3.18.71-perf-g9cb3900Frequency of Occurrence: When i connect it to the chargerRooted: NoAPP Name: When I connect the charger it vibrates and the battery logo switches from green to white as if the charger...

Ghost touch

Mau tanya,layar tidak merespon saat disentuh berawal dr ghost touch trs ngerembet makin lama makin keatas,kira2 apa yg hrs diganti dan brp biayanya?

Asus Max Pro m2 Battery Issue

Hello asus. My name is Titan, and i am from indonesia. I've bought my max pro m2 on yesterday monday. And i feel the battery is so drain fast (for 5000mah battery). Its feel like i used a phone with 3000-3500mah battery. And I already try to calibrat...

No audio

My phone have no audio at all, everything is not working in terms of audio. What am i going to do? Please do advice.


ZF Model: RAM: Firmware/APP Version: Frequency of Occurrence: Rooted: APP Name: Screenshot: delay / hangup tuoch / not responding

ebdie by Star I
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Kenapa di hp saya status hapenya belom 4G?. Tapi saya pake kartu telkomsel statusnya 4G dan di notif juga gambarnya 4G.Hape saya zenfone max m1. Gambar sbge contoh notif. (Mau di crop tapi gabisa)

Howto Resolve PIN Cicle after update

ZF Model: ZC554KLRAM: 3GFirmware/APP Version: WW__ZC554KL_15.2016.1902.507Frequency of Occurrence: Each firmware updateRooted: NoAPP Name: It's the second time that after the firmware update the phone ask me for the pin code and don't accept the righ...


I have bug multitouch in my phone Asus zenfone max plus m1. How to fix this bug?

Problems with data connection

ZF Model: ZE554KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: Android Ver. 7.0Frequency of Occurrence: AlwagsRooted: NoAPP Name: What app do you mean? Last edited by on 2019/2/19 22:58 Hi good evening. I am currently having a strange data problem. M...

Bug screen asus zenfone 4 max zc520kl

muncul bug pada asus zenfone 4 max zc520kl. layar tidak dapat berfungsi dengan normal atau tidak merespon. versi WW_15.2016.1901.506 mungkin dari pihak asus bisa segara mengatasi masalah ini..karena hp saya ndak bisa digunakan