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Zenfone max pro m1 back bulge and strange smell

Star I
Hey guys I recently noticed that the back of my phone now has a slight bulge and also a strange smell like superglue
I think the battery is compromised
I need help

Exact same scenario

Community Legend II
Hi shemyexist2
Thank you for you asking. Changing the battery requires well-skilled people to perform, please contact ASUS repair center in the country of your residence:
If it is impossible to access the service center during Covid-19 period, please try Call us:
Kindly note that ASUS repair center could only repair with in-house batteries.

Changing battery implies a great safety concern. If you still want to change the battery with the one you purchased (on the internet?), please send to a well-trained/experienced person for help.

Star I

thank you guys, I ordered a new battery but it would take a while because of quarantine so i'll just be patient

thank you and stay safe amigos

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Please may i know from which website you ordered the battery. thank you

Star I

Same Thing Happened With My Phone .Just 4 days before the warrenty was going to expire So asus replaced it for me. The screen Has yellowish Spot and a buldge on the back. Most Likely It Was water Damage in my Case Becz A day before My Phone got wet in rain.

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Hi! Where can I find the warranty of my phone?

Star I

Go on Ebay and buy an C11P1706 sure the don't last as long, one day of work.

I did buy one with a kit of tools with so i open it and all, took about 10 min to complete.

It is the same battery in M1 and M2, go on youtube for some information on "how to dissamble".

Or if you want Asus to repair it for you it will probably be better to buy a new phone becuase of the cost.

The new on the left and old bulky battery on the right.



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How much is the average repairing cost for this one with and without battery in hand?