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ZenFone Max Pro Series
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Keluan update firmware 28 July 2019

Screenshot: Name: YouTube, Pubg, WhatsAppRooted: NoFrequency of Occurrence: Setiap pengoperasian aplikasi dengan mode landscapeFirmware/APP Version: PieRAM: 6...

Notif bar

After update system brightness and security patch, the notif bar background still appear in lanscape mode

update display wifi not good not complete

android9.0 27072019 / display up screen not show full wave form wifi becouse zenfone max pro m2 have front camera . but now brightness display adjust very good. do you see old android 8.1 display wifi ok full up left corner.

Battry bug

ZF Model: ZB602KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: PieFrequency of Occurrence: -Rooted: NoAPP Name: Semakin lama bug baterai drainnya makin parah, tolong segera di fix admin

Bug di Update Pie Stable FOTA Patch May 2019

ZF Model: ZB602KLRAM: 3GFirmware/APP Version: PKQ.WW_Phone-16.2017.1905.053-20190513 (Android 9 Stable(manual install))Frequency of Occurrence: SelaluRooted: NoAPP Name: Screenshot:


ZF Model: ZE554KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: Version WW-16.2017.1906.067Frequency of Occurrence: when rotate to verticalRooted: NoAPP Name: systemScreenshot:

Ad sens

Frequency of Occurrence: Firmware/APP Version: RAM: ZF Model: Screenshot: APP Name: Rooted: Pop up ad problem...

Hotspot not working

ZF Model: ZE554KLRAM: 1GFirmware/APP Version: PKQ1.WW_Phone-16.2017.1905.065 20190507Frequency of Occurrence: AlwaysRooted: NoAPP Name: HotspotHello, I can't use the hotspot of my phone, as it's not working. I tried to share my data with 3 other dev...

uga_aro by Star I
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GPS fix

ZF Model: ZB631KLRAM: 6GFirmware/APP Version: 16.2017.1905.065-20190507Frequency of Occurrence: Not alwaysRooted: NoAPP Name: GMaps, WazeWhen I start using GMaps or Waze, GPS is not fixed for several minutes. I also switched off the phone, 2 or 3 tim...

0.67 Update bug "fixes" that needs to be fixed ASAP

ZF Model: ZB631KLRAM: 6GFirmware/APP Version: 0.67Frequency of Occurrence: AlwaysRooted: NoAPP Name: Last edited by evankyleperez on 2019/7/24 17:55 So a few weeks into the 0.67 update,I've been noticing these problems that are disrupting my overa...

Kyle by Star I
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