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ZenFone Max Pro Series
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Forum Posts

Idle battery drainage

Frequency of Occurrence: dailyFirmware/APP Version: WW_Phone-16.2017.1910.059-20190920RAM: 6GZF Model: ZB601KLAPP Name: Rooted: No Last edited by worpt on 2019/12/20 07:09 Hey, the issue is that battery of my phone drains very fast even when I don&...

worpt by Star I
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ASUS LAUNCHER? Klasör oluşturma

ZF Model: ZB602KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: *****Frequency of Occurrence: ****Rooted: NoAPP Name: Klasörleme asus launcher?Screenshot: klasörleme yok ....

Display corner is not perfectly round

ZF Model: ZB630KLRAM: 6GFirmware/APP Version: Android 9Frequency of Occurrence: All timeRooted: NoAPP Name: DisplayI am also ricive the fota update that's include letest version of December security batch and other eals.but the fact is i show a new b...

Charging problem

ZF Model: RAM: Firmware/APP Version: Frequency of Occurrence: Rooted: APP Name: Screenshot: Ini kenapa ya pas charging kok lama banget ,gak kaya biasanya ini 3 jam baru ke isi setengah.ada solusi??

Baterai cepat habis

Kenapa sekarang Asus Zenfone max pro m1 saya cepat habis ya. Cuma bertahan 10 jam. Padahal sebelumnya bisa smp 20 jam.


What happend to my mac add and to my mac vendor? My mac address have been change and my mac vendors name? Can you help me about this issues..

lonnexj by Star I
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Charging Time

ZF Model: ZB601KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: 16.2017.1910.059.20190920Frequency of Occurrence: AllRooted: NoAPP Name: Screenshot: the charging time from 22% ...

Dheena by Star II
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battery draining

ZF Model: ZB601KLRAM: 6GFirmware/APP Version: 0.59Frequency of Occurrence: AlwaysRooted: NoAPP Name: my battery is draining very fast please pry update for this


ZF Model: ZB602KLRAM: 3GFirmware/APP Version: Asus Zenfone Mac pro m 1 >WW-15.2016.1902.340Frequency of Occurrence: 80%-90%Rooted: NoAPP Name: Screenshot: ...