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Netflix quality downgraded from widevine 1 to widevine 3

Star I

I am using Zenfone 9 and recently I loose my Netflix Widevine L1 support and it is downgraded to Widevine L3 and quality from HDR to SD. What to do?

Model Name: Zenfone 9

Firmware Version:

Rooted or not: not rooted

Frequency of Occurrence:

APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app) : Netflix 


Star I

I just bought one and the same thing happened after it upgraded to Android 13.

I managed to get it back by clearing the netflix app storage/cache and reinstalling the app.


Star II

但只要重新開啟netflix或是重新開機,會再次發生相同的事情,導致需要再次清除 netflix 應用程序存儲/緩存並重新安裝應用程序,非常不方便

Star I

Meet the same issue, and I have contacted the ASUS support, but even the support does not know to fix it and ask me to contact with Netflix.😅

Very disappointed.

I recently bought Zenfone 9 and experience this issue. I contacted Netflix several times with different customer service, and they asked to contact the manufacturer. I really do hope Asus team notice this thread and do something to repair this issue since this device is one of their flagship category and too bad if this issue persist.