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Issues with the Zenfone 9? Or do you absolutely love it?

Star I

I'm now over Pixel phones after something similar happened to my OG Pixel. The Zenfone 9 has been the only android that's come out that I've actually liked. Great size, fast finger print reader, good battery life, good cameras. I've read the reviews and have seen many positives, but I know a YouTube review only tests so much and doesn't live with the phone for months going through the troubles that come later down the line with phones. So my question is - how do you like you Zenfone 9? What specific or unique issues have you had with it?


Rising Star II

In my experience, only minor bugs, usually remedied by Asus in a couple of months. It's a reliable phone by now. Just make sure you customize it right. I still love my Pixels (I still have three of them  - 4, 4a and 5 - and use them occasionally), but Asus is good and reliable, so it's my go-to phone.

Star II

major bugs with voice calls and screen lock