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ASUS "Unlock Device App"

Star II

Since my question was deleted in an open thread by the moderators I open my own. Many customers are facing the problem that they can't unlock their devices with the official app by ASUS (probably server down) and the moderators seems do doge every post or question about it but I will it try it again to ask.

If a moderator reads this - please be transparent about this topic. Many of your customers can't unlock their phones because of this issue and no further information is given to us. This problem exist now over a month and still there is no official information about this. Many people would be very thankful if a moderator would give us more insight about this and on when this issue will be fixed or if it ever will be fixed. 

ASUS as a big company should doing better with this kind of situation. And as a owner of a ASUS smartphone - it is our right to unlock the bootloader of said phones so resolving this issue should have some priority and most importantly - it should be resolved.

Much thanks in advance


Star III

I honestly just want to unlock my ROG phone 3 that stopped getting security updates like a year ago.  Not to mention the latest Android 12 version they released is fundamentally broken.  Not that it matters now because it's no longer available for download. -_-

Anyway, I'd rather Asus be late with the release of the new unlock tool than not deliver it at all.  (Stuff like this should never rely on an external server!!!)

For me, the first time owner of any Asus phone, this is obviously a really bad experience.  But one that probably can be forgiven… unless Asus really decides to handicap their devices by removing the ability to unlock.

Star II

I recently bought a new Asus device and I just received it yesterday. I was so excited to set it up as my new main device to then be utterly disappointed by Asus.

I don't understand why a service for bootloader unlocking would require a server to perform and I don't understand why it took so long for someone Asus to finally acknowledge that their unlock service was down. At first I was very confused because my friend has an Asus device and has no trouble unlocking. I searched all over and was very scared when I saw websites saying that Asus was going to stop their unlock services. Shortly after I saw this thread, but the bad taste remained. 

A company of Asus' size should've handled this a lot differently. Different support representatives giving different responses and such a delay before finally saying it'll come back sometime in Q3 (let's not forget that it's September already). An utter failure on Asus part and I am very disappointed. I was so excited to get my new Asus device and now I'm returning it and moving back to Samsung. 

Star II

Q3 is almost over, where is the unlock tool?

Star III

Any new updates on this? 

Just got of the phone with ASUS and what the guy on the phone told me is that we can expect it to be relaunched in beginning of Q4 ,ASUS did decide to not launch it anymore and keep it down but they came back from that. 

So all we can do is hope they relaunch soon anough.