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VoLTE and Wifi Calling on Zenfone 8

Rising Star II
Hi all,
Does anyone know if we can expect enabling VoLTE and Wifi Calling in european networks? I can only see in settings that icons for these options are available to enable at notification bar:

Also as call quality is quite poor, can we expect some improvement with software updates as enabling HD Voice codecs?
264 REPLIES 264

Star I
I owned a Zenfone 2, 4 and currently using 5q. I have used all of them on the ATT network in the US. i would like my next phone to be a 8 flip. I love Asus brand, owns two PC with Asus motherboard, two Asus laptop. The only reason my wife is using a OnePlus 7 Pro because Zenfone 6 flip was delayed. My understanding is that 8 flip will not have ATT VoLTE support..... That would really be a bummer....I have 4 gig sd card that I would really like to retain... And use it on 8 Flip... Please make that firmware available for 8 flip when it comes toward the end of this year. Thanks!!

Rising Star II
should i have a question does voLTE and voWIFI run in czech republic O2? Does anyone have the phone and can confirm it's OK?

Rising Star II
Hi @Gustav_ASUS
Sorry for bothering, please ignore this. Volte was working for few hours and now it's banned again in Orange pl

Star III
T-mobile Czech Republic still does not support VoLTE and Wifi Call. Even HD voice doesn't work here

Rising Star II
I can see that volte is available again in Orange Pl. Wificalling still doesn't work. Some ongoing tests?

Edit: stopped working again, so still nothing new