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To Asus and all owners of a dead Zenfone 8

Rising Star I

By now is it clear the Asus Zenfone 8 has a weakness when it comes to its motherboard. Phones are dying in very comparable situations; after installing an update or patch and/ or when charging. The died phones show the same state: a sudden black screen, no response on buttons or screen, sometimes an orange fast blinking LED for about ten seconds when the charger is attached, after which also this stops blinking. Even the life duration of the phones are alike when this happens;  around two years.  Some people are lucky that it can be repaired under warranty, most aren't when warranty has just expired.

All of the phones which were repaired received a new motherboard. So also in here the fix seems comparable. Or at least not repairable with a soldering or partial replacement of other components. There is no wide variety of repairs to be found on ZenTalk on this. 

This issue goes beyond individual or even wrong use, a single faulty or unfortunate phone. All phones that died did this in comparable situations and after comparable life times. There is something wrong with the design or components of the Zenfone 8, or at least a batch, which can't be put on warranty alone when it comes to a repair. 

Asus, please take this matter and your clients serious. At least more then you have proven till this date. Asus can't just address this matter with the initial question if the phone is still under the warranty. Asus does know what the technical issues are with these phones, so please then also take your responsibility. Asus put this premium phone on the market at a premium price. This comes with an expected life duration that goes beyond a hard line of just 24 months. Warranty is for specific situations. These dying Zenfones are not specific. It is a general issue. So please handle it as such.

Can Asus confirm that they will keep addressing issues regarding these dying Zenfones as individual technical matters? And thus with warranty as strict and main component to define if Asus or customers are financially responsible for further action? And if so, what is their response to these resembling dying phones that Asus will keep holding onto this strict warranty duration when it is clear customers can't be held responsible for their broken Zenfones, since they die during normal use or especially after installing new and updated Asus firmware?

To all users of a died Zenfone 8: please add your phone to this thread, when it died (lifetime) and on which occurence. 

Kind regards,

391 REPLIES 391

Thank you for your insight. Especially since you also experienced the ram dump, multiple times. In the light of recent posts here and regarding the reballing, your story is also interesting. And this is in line with very few other attempts of succesful reballing,which I could find online previously, but not so easy anymore. Fact is, at least in your situation, the reballing seemed to work, but as a temporary fix. It can show however the weakness of the ZF8 at this point indeed, as many others do think this is the main cause of the dying phones.

And no, Asus did not showed much customer care on this matter, so trust is gone quickly and will keep people from getting into new Asus product. A shame as indeed probably all ZF owners went for the form factor. Very few alternatives out there, like the Sony Experia. With such a stance on what is clearly a very specific but broadly seen product weakness, they simply fall short in customer care and after sales. Then anyone will go for an alternative brand of course. Brand image goes further than this ZF8 alone and is damaged as a whole when you experienced such an issue first hand with a manufacturer.

From india phone died at its 25th month run.. i took the phone from charging and was using snapchat phone hanged and restarted once and phone was pretty hot i was holding my phone and was waiting the heat to be reduced but as i pressed the lock button i realized he is dead.. as i had a dead 8z i rushed to a shop nearby and they made some progress actually the dead phone was half alive it showed some software running and then it came to an error and after that the error stays.. cpu reball has also been done yet still same error.. ill attach those files here..


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Star I

Same happened to me, got the phone on 1/22/22, had the latest update, and died 6/1/24 while out on a walk. I was out of town and noticed my phone was dying way faster than usual, I had to charge it twice throughout the day. It's been super annoying trying to get back into all of my accounts since all of my 2FA are now on my dead phone. 

I feel your pain my friend. Same thing happened to me as far as losing access. I actually lost a bunch of rewards points and giftcards because I could no longer login thanks to the dying phone. 


But don't worry. Asus will apologize for any inconvenience.


As. If. That. Means. Anything. At. All.


Honestly Falcon at what point will Asus freaking acknowledge these are not isolated incidences? This must be close to becoming an entire class of consumers. Some action should've been taken on Asus part. You KNOW all of these ticking time bombs are still out there. Yet the company does nothing. Says nothing. What a **bleep**ty, **bleep**ty company. It is obvious how they feel about their consumers.


I'm genuinely glad Asus was fool enough to try and extort money from Gamers Nexus. I'm laughing audibly at their ridiculous response. I hope Asus gets what they deserve which is a mass Exodus and a huge drop in their stock.


Remember as a publicly traded company they are accountable to their shareholders...