Thought I'd leave some screenshots. Mobile standby is rinsing the battery.

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As you mention it seems you have zero reception in your home, not even 2G?
While we are working on getting VoLTE enabled with operators in UK, VoWifi is a separate topic and requires almost equal effort - and in particular also requires cooperation from the operators themselves.
If , for whatever reason, you cannot get a mobile signal in your home with Zenfone 8 and VoWIFI is a must-have, I would suggest checking with your reseller to return the device as we do not know a clear timeline for any of these items (as they are stricly speaking also beyond only ASUS control).
As for high drain, it is likely , as you already narrowed down, due to no signal - the device is searching for signal continously. Try putting the device on airplane mode when at home and see if the situation improves?